Muarrix 2024-12-06T11:43:25+00:00 Narziyev Nabijon Narmurodovich Open Journal Systems <p>Настоящий журнал имеет организационные, экономические, правовые и социальные основы деятельности редакции (далее - редакция) журнала <strong>"</strong><strong>Muarrix</strong><strong>" ("Historian" - "Историк").</strong></p> <p>Ташкентский международный университет Кимё является учредителем журнала (далее – учредитель). Журнал представляет собой историко-научное и инновационное издание, формата А-4 объемом от 32 до 96 страниц, издается 4 раза в год – на узбекском, английском и русском языках.</p> <p>В своей деятельности редакция руководствуется Конституцией Республики Узбекистан, законами «О средствах массовой информации», «О принципах и гарантиях свободы информации», «О защите журналистики», другими нормативными правовыми документами и положением, определяющим деятельность журнала.</p> <p>Журнал является специализированным изданием для областей истории, археологии, антропологии, этнологии, и его основная цель – всесторонне освещать актуальные проблемы в области истории, в полной мере удовлетворять потребности читателей журнала в определении и понимании исторической правды. широко и эффективно использовать возможности журнала. Редакция информирует общество о новостях, происходящих в жизни нашей страны и мировой исторической науки, одновременно в журнале публикуются наиболее актуальные научные статьи по научному направлению нашей страны и мировой исторической науки. При этом редакция следует принципу плюрализма мнений.</p> OHANGARON VODIYSI O‘RTA ASR SHAHARLARI AHOLISINING TAOMLANISH MADANIYATI TARIXI (SUYURLITEPA YODGORLIGIDAN TOPILGAN MODDIY ASHYOLAR ASOSIDA) 2024-12-06T11:32:38+00:00 Behzod Isabekov Ubaydulla Ismoilov <p>Maqolada Ohangaron vodiysining o‘rta asrlardagi taomlanish madaniyati tarixi ushbu hududdagi Suyurlitepa va Tunkat yodgorliklaridan topilgan moddiy manbalar asosida ochib beriladi. Shuningdek, maqolada aholining o‘rta asrlarda kiyik go‘shti, qo‘y go‘shti, parranda go‘shti, tovuq tuxumi kabi ozuqaviy quvvati kuchli mahsulotlar, uzum, olma, olmurut, o‘rik, qovun, pista, shaftoli, na’matak, gilos, jiyda kabi mevalar, qovun, qovoq kabi poliz mahsulotlarini iste’mol qilganligi takidlangan.</p> 2024-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muarrix KIDАRIYLАRNING KO‘CHISH SАBАBLАRI VА YO‘NАLISHLАRI 2024-12-06T10:58:45+00:00 Sarbоz Saparоv saparоvsarbоz437@gmail.cоm <p>Ushbu maqolada Kidariylarning migratsiyalari va ularning Markaziy Osiyo, Hindiston, va Eronga bo‘lgan ta’siri ko‘rib chiqiladi. Tadqiqot asosan iqlim o‘zgarishlari, harbiy va siyosiy bosimlar, savdo yo‘llarini nazorat qilish, shuningdek, ko‘chmanchi xalqlarning harakatlari va ularning yangi hududlarga bo‘lgan ta’siri kabi omillar bilan bog‘liq. Kidariylarning migratsiyasi Markaziy Osiyo tarixidagi madaniy va siyosiy o‘zgarishlarni tushunishga imkon beradi.</p> 2024-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muarrix XIX ASRDA O‘RTA OSIYOGA TASHRIF BUYURGAN YEVROPALIK SAYOHATCHILAR 2024-12-06T10:13:50+00:00 Oybek Rahimov <p>Ushbu maqolada XIX asrda O‘rta Osiyoga tashrif buyurgan yevropalik sayohatchilar hamda O‘rta Osiyo tarixida muhim rol o‘ynagan tadqiqotchilar, diplomatlar va josuslar faoliyati yoritiladi. Ushbu davrda Yevropa davlatlarining mintaqaga bo‘lgan qiziqishi kuchaygan bo‘lib, ular savdo yo‘llari, madaniy aloqalar va siyosiy ta’sir doirasini kengaytirishga intilishgan. Sayohatchilar orasida olimlar, kartograflar va harbiylar bo‘lib, ular geografik kashfiyotlar, xalqlarning urf-odatlari va siyosiy muhit haqida muhim ma’lumotlar to‘plagan. Ushbu maqolada ular tomonidan yozilgan kundaliklar va asarlar orqali O‘rta Osiyoning turli shaharlari, xalqlari va tabiati haqidagi yevropaliklar tasavvurlari keltiriladi. Sayohatchilarning O‘rta Osiyo xalqlari hayotiga ta’siri, ular qoldirgan madaniy va ilmiy ma’lumotlar maqolaning asosiy mavzusidir.</p> 2024-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muarrix THE ROLE OF “RAHAT AS-SUDUR” OF RAWANDI IN ENLIGHTENMENT OF EVENTS IN THE TERRITORY OF UZBEKISTAN RELATED TO THE SELJUQ PERIOD 2024-12-06T09:44:35+00:00 Khusniddin Mamadaliev <p><strong><em>.</em></strong> The work “Rahat al-sudur wa ayat al-surur” of Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Sulaiman Rawandi (died in 1207 or 1247) is one of the important sources for the study of the history of the Seljuks. The work contains interesting data on the history of Uzbekistan, that is, the historical-administrative parts as Mawerannakhr, Khorezm and their adjacent regions. The work dedicated to the Seljuk rulers, and in covering the biographies of the Seljuk sultans, information is given that the mother of Sultan Alp Arslan (1063-1072) belonged to the Qarakhanid dynasty (840-1212), that Sultan Malikshah (1072-1092) married the daughter of the Qarakhanid ruler Tamgach-han (1040-1068), and that Sultan Sanjar (1118-1157) also married a Qarakhanid princess and described the details of lives of those princesses. In addition, the source gave information about attacks and wars of Seljuk rulers as Alp Arslan, Malikshah and Sanjar with rulers of Samarkand, Bukhara, Khorezm, Shash and Ferghana. In addition, the relationship between Sultan Malikshah, Sultan Sanjar and representatives of the Qarakhanid and Anushteginid dynasties highlighted. Also, the relationship between the Khorezmshah Takish and the last Seljuk rulers is covered in the work.</p> <p>In the work, also hadiths of Imam Muhammad ibn Ismail Bukhari (810-870) and Abu Isa Muhammad Termizi (824-892) are quoted, as well as excerpts from the poems of poets of Mawarannakhr who lived in the palace of the Seljuks, such as Asiruddin Ahsikati. References to “Zakhirai Kharazmshahi” of Ismail Jorjani (1040-1136) can also be seen. The composition contains data on that Sultan Sanjar wore a “zandani” dress made in the village of Zandana of Bukhara. From this, it can be seen that the Seljuks valued handicrafts made in Bukhara, Samarkand and other cities. The economic relations developed between cities of Turan and Iran in that epoch.</p> <p>Despite the similarity of the enlightenment of many events in “Akhbar al-Dawla al- Saljuqiyyah” of Sadraddin Abul Hasan Ali Khusaini, this source has its own characteristics. Rawandi paid great attention to the historical role and identity of the Seljuk rulers.</p> <p>In general, through the work, valuable information can be obtained about the political relations of the Seljuk dynasty with the Qarakhanid (840-1212) and Khorezmshah-Anushteginid (1097-1231) dynasties, as well as the cultural, socio-economic relations between the peoples of Turan and Iran. The work suggests that the Seljuks united Turkic, Iranian and other peoples in the distance from Shash (Tashkent, modern Uzbekistan) to Shushtar (Southern Iran). Through this idea put forward in this source, it can be concluded that the Turkic dynasties in different historical periods tried to make a great contribution to the development of human civilization by creating strong centralized states.</p> <p>Written sources have a great importance in the study of any history, especially the works dedicated to the history of the certain dynasty and created in the ruling epoch of this dynasty. Nowadays some Uzbek young scientists believe that the sources are not so important in the study of history. They thing that any source is a reflection of past historical events in the mind of a person. For this reason, they say that the subjective perception is strongly manifested to interpret and describe events in the sources. Of course, the subjective aspects related to the authors, as an ideology of the state they served, personal views of the author, and stereotypes of the epoch in which they lived in, in many cases, play an important role in describing the events. However, the source gives us information about the past, so it is a great skill to consider the above factors when interpreting information in the source, that is, to know how to catch the level of the norm.</p> 2024-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muarrix МЕЖДУ ИГНОРИРОВАНИЕМ И КОНТРОЛЕМ ИСЛАМА: ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТЬ В. П. НАЛИВКИНА В КАЧЕСТВЕ 3-ГО ИНСПЕКТОРА НАРОДНЫХ УЧИЛИЩ ТУРКЕСТАНА (1889–1896 гг.) 2024-12-05T09:38:19+00:00 Бахтиёр Алимджанов <p>В статье рассматриваются деятельность и взгляды В.П. Наливкина в качестве инспектора народных училищ Туркестанского генерал-губернаторства. Основное внимание уделяется проблемам «модерности» и «темпоральности» в амбивалентной имперской ситуации в Туркестане. Автор считает, что В. Наливкин имел своё видение и понимание «игнорирования» ислама, имперскости, мусульманской темпоральности и модерности.</p> 2024-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muarrix ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛ ҲАЁТ ВАКИЛЛАРИНИНГ ТУРКИСТОН ИЖТИМОИЙ-СИЁСИЙ ҲАЁТИДАГИ ЎРНИ 2024-12-06T11:38:15+00:00 Баҳодир Мусаметов <p>Ўрта асрларда Туркистон минтақасида жамиятнинг муҳим кучини ташкил этувчи шаҳар аҳолиси давлат бошқаруви тизимида иштирок этишдан деярли маҳрум эдилар. Айнан мана шундай шароитда айниқса фақиҳлар шаҳар аҳолисининг ёрдамига таянган ҳолда жамиятнинг қудратли сиёсий кучига айландилар. Ушбу мақолада фақиҳларнинг ва умуман олганда интеллектуал ҳаёт вакилларининг Туркистон ижтимоий-сиёсий ҳаётидаги ўрни таҳлил қилинади.</p> 2024-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muarrix ПЕТРОГЛИФЛАРНИНГ ТЕХНОЛОГИК ХУСУСИЯТЛАРИНИНГ ЎРГАНИЛИШИГА ДОИР МУЛОҲАЗАЛАР 2024-12-06T11:06:57+00:00 Баҳодир Тўйчибоев <p>Мақола қоятош ёдгорликларни ўрганишнинг алоҳида йўналишларидан бири, петроглифлар трассологияси масаласига бағишланади. Экспериментал-траcеологиянинг мақсади, петроглифларни тушириш жараёни ва унда қўлланилган асбоб-ускуналарни ўрганиш ҳисобланади. Мақолада петроглифларнинг нусхаларини олишда фойдаланиб келинаётган 3D лазерли сканерлаш, булутли фотограмметрия усуллари ва уларнинг амалиётда қўлланилиши ҳақида маълумотлар таҳлил қилинган.</p> 2024-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muarrix THE LEGACY OF KANYSH IMANTAEVICH SATPAEV IN THE MUSEUMS OF KAZAKHSTAN 2024-12-06T10:48:24+00:00 Yernur Rakhimov <p>The article is devoted to the 125thanniversary of the birth of the outstandinggeologist, the firstpresident of the Academy of Sciences of the KazakhSSR, the famousstatesmanandpublicfigureKanyshImantaevichSatpayev. The purpose of the study: to studyandpopularize the life of KanyshSatpayevon the basis of museummaterials. Based onthemuseumcollections of the MemorialMuseum of AcademicianK.I.Satpayevat the Academy of Sciences of KazakhstaninAlmaty, the BayanauliMemorialMuseum of AcademicianK.I.Satpayev, the houseMuseum of K.I.In the village of Karsakpai, Ulytauregion, the mainstages of the lifepathandscientificactivity of an outstandinggeologist have been studiedanddetermined.Basedon the overviewanalysis of K.Satpayev's museumcollections, the stages of the lifepath,scientificandpoliticalactivities of the outstandinggeologistscientist are reflected. The authoridentifies the actualproblems of preserving,studyingandpopularizingscientificcreativityand the materialheritage of KanyshImantaevich.</p> 2024-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muarrix USMON YUSUPOVNING 1926-1937 YILLARDAGI SIYOSIY FAOLIYATI 2024-12-06T10:05:44+00:00 Raxmon Muxammadiyev <p>Maqolada 1937-1950-yillarda O‘zbekiston SSR Kompartiyasi MQ birinchi kotibi bo‘lgan Usmon Yusupov siyosiy faoliyatining boshlanishi, uni 1930-yillarda O‘rta Osiyo byurosida ishlagan davrdagi mehnat faoliyati, partiyaning Markazdagi nufuzli vakillari bilan o‘zaro munosabatlari hamda bu munosabatlarni Usmon Yusupov siyosiy faoliyatiga ta’siri haqida ma’lumot beriladi</p> 2024-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muarrix ILK O‘RTA ASRLARDA TURON VA ARAB SIVILIZATSIYALARINING UYG‘UNLASHUV JARAYONI 2024-12-06T09:38:03+00:00 Azimxuja Ataxodjayev <p>Mazkur maqolada, ilk o‘rta asrlar (VII asr ikkinchi yarimi - VIII asr o‘rtalari)&nbsp; Markaziy Osiyoning tarixiy-madaniy viloyatlari – Xuroson va Movarounnahrga Arabiston yarim orolidan islom dinining kirib kelishi bilan bog‘liq jarayonlar tahlil etilgan. Maqolada islom dinining o‘ziga xos taraqqiyot bosqichida bo‘lgan o‘lkalarga tarqalishi va uning oqibatlari xususida fikr yuritiladi. Jahon va mintaqa sivilizatsiyasi uchun yangi bosqich bo‘lgan davr - islom ma’rifati va madaniyati davrining Movarounnahrdagi ma’rifat va madaniy qadriyatlar bilan uyg‘unlashuv jarayoni va uning yuksak sivilizatsion ahamiyati o‘z aksini topgan. Movarounnahr va Xurosonning islom sivilizatsiyasiga qo‘shilishi hodisaning jahon sivilizatsiyasi taraqqiyoti uchun muhim voqelik bo‘lganligida qayd etilgan.</p> 2024-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muarrix SURXON-SHEROBOD VOHASIDA UY HUNARMANDCHILIGINING ETNOLOKAL XUSUSIYATLARI 2024-12-02T07:32:51+00:00 Turdimuratov Yangiboy <p>&nbsp;Mazkur maqolada an’anaviy xo‘jalikning asosiy turlaridan biri hisoblangan hunarmandchilik, xususan, uy hunarmandchiligining boshqa an’anaviy turlaridan farqli jihatlari, uning Surxon-Sherobod vohasiga xos etnolokal xususiyatlari, jumladan, vohada keng tarqalgan uy hunarmandchiligi turlari, mazkur sohadagi o‘ziga xos mehnat taqsimoti, mahsulotlar xom-ashyosi va ularni tayyorlash jarayoni tahlil qilingan.</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muarrix